Blow Dry Style
Style that Blows Away the CompetitionFrom damp and frizzy to sleek and sheen, we can take your damp tresses to a beautiful sleek look before you leave out of our salon doors and back into the world. A blow dry style is more than just drying your hair. It’s creating shape, style, and a smooth look all over in order to make your entire hair design complete.
Smoothing the hair through a blow dry technique is not only a way to present the hair in a sleek ready to go style, but it’s also a way give your hair lasting bounce. To remove frizz or for those with curlier hair, we use a diffuser to go from curls to straight in just under 20 minutes. If your hair is already straight, a blow dry styling session can elevate your look by giving it added sheen as we use our top of the line styling products to restore the appearance of healthy vibrance in your strands.
For that frizz-free, sleek, and ready to go look, make sure you schedule with us today or add a blow dry style to your color service when you book with Trademark Salon. Our amazing staff is waiting for you and happy to put a smile on your face.