
Crystal Martinez

Hair Artist

Crystal is a former Silver Winner in the New Talent category in the ColorZoom competition (on her first entry ever). She continues to drown herself in education frequently in order to expand her horizons.

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Crystal Martinez

Hair Artist

Crystal is a former Silver Winner in the New Talent category in the ColorZoom competition (on her first entry ever). She continues to drown herself in education frequently in order to expand her horizons.

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Crystal Martinez

My Story.

Crystal has been in the industry for about 6 years now. She started her career back in 2014 when she enrolled at Paul Mitchell The School San Antonio. Ten months later she was graduate of PMTSSA and on to her first adventure in the hair world.

Working for the company Blo Blow Dry Bar was a blast for Crystal as she got to be part of many different events including Austin City Limits. Her love of styling grew immensely during her time working with the company in San Antonio, Austin and Houston TX.

After several years working with Blo, Crystal decided it was time to take on a new journey and sought after a full-service salon she would call home. Salon Matos was that new journey.

‘Being surrounded by so many talented artists was inspiring everyday’ she said.

With something new to learn every day, Crystal started working beside Jen Boyd and Rosie Matos closely and her love of color and cutting was ignited. It was their mentoring that sparked a new interest and drive to soak up every ounce of knowledge and grow from that moment on.

After meeting and working with the Trademark team for three months after Hurricane Harvey, Crystal was taking every opportunity to join educational classes she was invited to.

She loves to keep her mind, body, and soul healthy and balanced with her daily morning rituals and workouts.

"Being part of something great, makes you great," she says and she cherishes her team at Trademark Salon. Always learning and always growing, Crystal is unstoppable and we can’t wait for what’s to come from this shining star!


My Services.

Blow Dry
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Women's Shave
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Hair Cuts
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