Color Balance
Base Color & Color Thru EndsWhen your overall color has begun to lose its tone on more than one level, a color balance service may be right for you. Color balance is when a background foundation color is applied from the mid-length to the ends to restore uneven balance throughout the hair.
Your hair tone or color can fade when the sun hits those tousled tresses and with the new growth coming in, you may find yourself with a multitude of hues. Even the chlorine in your pool can take your look from ultra sassy to sad and brassy. Color balancing services create a seamless look while adding beautiful shine with every application.
Goldwell’s quality products not only provide an all-over luster, but it also creates an added softness that makes you want to run your fingers through it. The best part is that they are ammonia-free and filled with lipid-rich conditioning.
If your balance needs to be restored, or your hair has lost its vibrance then call our professionals at Trademark Salon today for a color consultation. We are ready to provide a seamless color look for you.