Fusion Extensions

Fusion Extensions

Where Natural Meets Extension 

Have you always desired long hair but can’t seem to grow your strands to your desired length? Even with all of the right vitamins and treatments, hair can have a mind of its own and grow at its own desired pace. If you are tired of waiting for that long luscious mane you desire then ask about our Fusion Extensions service today.

We use a nondamaging keratin bond that binds to your hair shaft to keep those strands in place. Whether you are looking for length or just want to add extra fullness to your style, fusion extensions can be the answer you are looking for. Their performance is not to be outdone and very long-lasting. When taken care of properly, your extensions can last anywhere from 3 to 5 months depending on your hair growth and styling routine.

Most people ask us if they can swim, bathe, and go about their regular routine with fusion extensions and the answer is yes, absolutely. With swimming, however, we don’t suggest soaking your locks too long and drying them as quickly and thoroughly as possible. If you want that celebrity style look with long beautiful hair, then book with us today and ask your Trademark Salon extension specialist if Fusion Extensions are the right ones for you.

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